1/2" Grating Teak
Build your own customized cockpit or shower grate. Whitecap offers notched grating in three strip widths.
A grate can be built in two ways — use notched strips in both directions, or use notched strips in one direction on the bottom layer and flat strips in the other direction. The latter method will allow water to drain underneath grates used on flat surfaces.
Grates may be constructed with, or without, a frame around them — either way will yield a finished appearance.
When building a grate, use materials that are all for the same nominal grate strip width: 1/2", 3/4", or 1".
Teak grating with dimensions in respect to the above diagram: A: 15/32" B: 1/2" C: 15/32"
• 1/2" Grate Material - Use for icebox grating, or where the grate will not need to support a significant load
Purchase one strip of each type (notched and flat) for every 1" of the width and length of the area you are covering
• 3/4" Grate Material - Use in showers or cockpits with relatively flat configurations
Purchase one strip of each type (notched and flat) for every 1-1/2" of the width and length of the area you are covering
• 1" Grate Material - Use in cockpits with a significant camber, or places where the grating needs to support a heavy load
Purchase one strip of each type (notched and flat) for every 2" of the width and length of the area you are covering
If you are using a frame around the outside of the grate, be sure to account for the width of the frame when determining the number of flats to order.
All grating and framing comes in 4 ft lengths.