White Oak
Color/Appearance: Heartwood is a light to medium brown, commonly with an olive cast. Paler sapwood is not always sharply demarcated from heartwood. Quartersawn sections display prominent ray fleck patterns (see image). Red oak (Quercus rubra) tends to have a slightly redder cast (as opposed to olive), but color alone isn’t always a reliable method of determining the type of oak.
Grain/Texture: Grain is straight, with a coarse, uneven texture.
Rot Resistance: Rated as very durable; frequently used in boatbuilding and tight cooperage applications.
Workability: Produces good results with hand and machine tools. Has moderately high shrinkage values, resulting in mediocre dimensional stability, especially in flatsawn boards. Can react with iron (particularly when wet) and cause staining and discoloration. Responds well to steam-bending. Glues, stains, and finishes well.
Used for framing, keelsons, structural members particularly in larger boats.
Lumber is sold by the Board Foot (BM). 1 BM = 1” x 12” x 12”. Sample : plank 2” x 6” x 8’ 2x6x8 divide by 12 = 8 BM
Noah’s stocks most lumber as rough, random width and length, up to 20’ when available. We will pick planks as close as possible to your requirements. We will also dress 2 sides, rip to width, and cut to length at no extra charge.