King Starboard Plastic Polymer Sheet
King StarBoard® is the original marine grade polymer and the industry standard. It is the product of a proprietary process called K Stran™, the most advanced manufacturing process available for producing consistently flat continuous sheets. King StarBoard® is environmentally stabilized to withstand the harshest marine conditions. It will not rot or discolor like teak and other solid woods, and it will not delaminate like wood laminates.
King StarBoard® is easy to work with using standard woodworking tools, and design changes are a snap. In addition, the installed cost of King StarBoard® is less than teak, other common marine woods, and fiberglass. Plus, our large sheet sizes maximize your yield. Boat buyers appreciate King StarBoard’s® low maintenance finish. Repair and refinishing due to weathering and decay are eliminated, and cleaning is easy. King StarBoard® has a handsome matte finish on both sides to hide scuffs and scratches that would show on glossy textured sheets or acrylics.