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Shorty Kits Instructions


Shorty kits are a more affordable alternative to our full-length (up to 20’) strips because of lower shipping and lumber costs. The strips are 2’ to a maximum 7’10” with a minimum 80% 5’ to 7’10”. We offer all Western Red, Eastern White Cedar, or 50/50 for each colour. You can also include accent strips with the kit. All other kit contents including epoxy, fiberglass, varnish, etc are the same as full-length kits


Joining strips is easy, all Noah’s strips are shipped with square cut ends so just butt 2 strips together with the Titebond glue supplied and add the next strip on top to lock it in place, you don’t need to join the strips before putting them on the mold. If you are careful about matching the colour of the wood at the joint it will not be very visible after fiberglass and varnish. The wood, and it doesn’t matter what kind of wood, is just a mold for the fiberglass, the fiberglass skins hold everything together and keep the canoe shape so no need for scarfed joints.


Solid wood 3/4” x 7/8” Gunwales are shipped pre-scarfed. For 15’ to 17’ canoes, you will get 3 pieces per gunwale. To assemble cut 4 pieces of scrap lumber 3/4” x 3/4” about a foot long, and put packing tape on one side for release. Lay 3 gunwale pieces out on a flat surface, brush the joints with unthickened mixed epoxy, and add Arkthix or colloidal silica to the remaining epoxy, after about 10 minutes brush the thickened epoxy onto the joint. Assemble and clamp the joints with the scrap pieces on either side for support. You can clamp the joints without the support pieces, but the extra pieces will guarantee proper alignment. Install the assembled gunwales on the Canoe as normal. Kayak sheer clamps and rub rails will also be shipped pre-scarfed.


Stain can be used to even out, change wood colour or cover mistakes. Mohawk Ultra Stain is an alcohol-based wood stain that is available in a variety of colours and works well under Epoxy. Do not use oil-based stains with Epoxy.

Fill, fair, and sand the hull to 120 grit, remove dust with a vacuum and tack cloth. Do not wipe down with any liquid. Wet a balled-up clean cotton cloth with the stain. Rub vertically and then horizontally starting at one end, and rewet the cloth as necessary. Try to avoid overlapping as much as possible. When dry the surface will appear blotchy. This can be evened out by rubbing with a 3M Blending pad. A second coat will make the stain more even, but will also darken it. Most colour variations will disappear when Epoxy is applied. Remove dust and apply a sealer coat of Epoxy. Do not get any water on the stain before the Epoxy as the stain will run.

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